Short Story: Around the Corner - 4

Girl's cricket team? Arjun was flooded with mystery, as he had never heard of such terms during his coaching. He was unaware about the presence of such a team. Yes. Now, there exists a Girl's cricket team too! The sports master taught to keep this announcement under wraps. But Anita revealed the secrecy and now Arjun is confused about his reactions. Arjun was jumbled whether to smile or feel sad from the news. He always proceeded the drawings of Akil, his senior. Since Akil's mother is uneducated and people treated her more or less like a slave, Akil started to misinterpret all girls in the same angle. More than five parents have complained about Akil's ruthless behaviour and attitude towards their wards'.
" Children learn more from what you are than what you teach." - W.E.B. Dubois
Arjun came back to class with long face and waited for the break bell. After two periods they rang the bell. He stood fast, ran to meet Akil during this time, said the happenings and awaited for his response. Akil said straight away to Arjun that Anita should not be in the cricket team. "Tell your childhood friend in an elegant way and ask her to sit at home and play cricket in video games. Ha Ha Ha Ha". Arjun engrossed into the stupid conversation with him and planned to meet Anita.
Rigorous coaching was given for more than one and half hours to train the students for the match. Arjun could not concentrate on the coaching as his mind was protruded with thoughts. When he went near to Anita to speak about this, auto man came to pick her up for her Hindi classes. She waved her hands and got into the auto. He went home, completed his works silently and was reading some story books.
Arjun's dad stepped in from his tiring work. He sat down for few minutes in the sofa, loosened his tie, while he was removing his socks, he said " I came from my work darling" with a happy loud voice. "Arjun! Did I receive any letter for the day?" Arjun just shook his head no for his dad's routine question. Within a few seconds his mother came from her kitchen with a cup of filter coffee to serve him. Daddy sipped the coffee, enjoyed the rich aroma and started to share the stories that happened in his office. Mom also shared about the plumbing works that took place from the morning. Arjun's dad knew that something is wrong with him as he never used to sit quietly and read books. But he pretended as if he did not notice. He ordered Arjun's mom to get ready for dining out in a nearby restaurant. "Why all of a sudden?" with health conscious, mother asked her husband. "There is a reason", he smiled and made them get ready.
Arjun, his mom and dad started to take a few steps from home to reach the restaurant which was around 2.3 kms away. Arjun was in no mood to dine out, but due to his dad's words he started to walk in the platform with thoughts all over his mind. Dad knew Arjun's favourite dish and ordered without consulting him. In the nearby table one of his mom's old college friend sat with family. Mom went to say hi and by the time Arjun thought to ask his dad's view for Anita. "Dad! today in my school few things happened which is disturbing my peace. I don't know whether my perception is wrong or right" Arjun started and shared his thoughts. Parents are the ones who understands even a small change in their child. Now he knows the silence behind Arjun. "This is a good news indeed. Why not Anita join the team and play like you?" Arjun did not have answer to his dad's question. "Look Arjun, you are not a kid anymore. Nowadays Women are flourishing in various fields. Do you think that they are fit only to do house works? Stop your friendship with Akil or preach him some good ethics so that he will respect his mom!" Dad said to Arjun little loudly to make him understand the importance.
Arjun's mom came back to the table and the waiter came with rotis for serving him. While they were returning home, Arjun understood the fact and learnt to respect others. He also realized the selfish thought which he had prior. He told himself that "I must find ways to complete the classwork as Anita will also be in the team." He could not cut his friendship with Akil but was very conscious to preach him.
Rigorous coaching was given for more than one and half hours to train the students for the match. Arjun could not concentrate on the coaching as his mind was protruded with thoughts. When he went near to Anita to speak about this, auto man came to pick her up for her Hindi classes. She waved her hands and got into the auto. He went home, completed his works silently and was reading some story books.
Arjun's dad stepped in from his tiring work. He sat down for few minutes in the sofa, loosened his tie, while he was removing his socks, he said " I came from my work darling" with a happy loud voice. "Arjun! Did I receive any letter for the day?" Arjun just shook his head no for his dad's routine question. Within a few seconds his mother came from her kitchen with a cup of filter coffee to serve him. Daddy sipped the coffee, enjoyed the rich aroma and started to share the stories that happened in his office. Mom also shared about the plumbing works that took place from the morning. Arjun's dad knew that something is wrong with him as he never used to sit quietly and read books. But he pretended as if he did not notice. He ordered Arjun's mom to get ready for dining out in a nearby restaurant. "Why all of a sudden?" with health conscious, mother asked her husband. "There is a reason", he smiled and made them get ready.
Arjun, his mom and dad started to take a few steps from home to reach the restaurant which was around 2.3 kms away. Arjun was in no mood to dine out, but due to his dad's words he started to walk in the platform with thoughts all over his mind. Dad knew Arjun's favourite dish and ordered without consulting him. In the nearby table one of his mom's old college friend sat with family. Mom went to say hi and by the time Arjun thought to ask his dad's view for Anita. "Dad! today in my school few things happened which is disturbing my peace. I don't know whether my perception is wrong or right" Arjun started and shared his thoughts. Parents are the ones who understands even a small change in their child. Now he knows the silence behind Arjun. "This is a good news indeed. Why not Anita join the team and play like you?" Arjun did not have answer to his dad's question. "Look Arjun, you are not a kid anymore. Nowadays Women are flourishing in various fields. Do you think that they are fit only to do house works? Stop your friendship with Akil or preach him some good ethics so that he will respect his mom!" Dad said to Arjun little loudly to make him understand the importance.
Arjun's mom came back to the table and the waiter came with rotis for serving him. While they were returning home, Arjun understood the fact and learnt to respect others. He also realized the selfish thought which he had prior. He told himself that "I must find ways to complete the classwork as Anita will also be in the team." He could not cut his friendship with Akil but was very conscious to preach him.
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